What is HPC
What is the AGASTYA-HPC
What is Not Agastya HPC
AGASTYA-HPC Architecture
Technical Stuff of AGASTYA-HPC
How To Get An Acount on "AGASTYA-HPC"
How Do We Connect AGASTYA-HPC
How To Change PEM File(Private Key)
Job Scheduler in HPC
Queue In Agastya HPC
Job Scheduler Command
Get Information On Your Cluster
Job Execution Steps
HPC Job Example
HPC Usage Policy

What is HPC?

HPC(High-Performance Computing) is Like a supercomputer In which two or more computer Server are connected via high-speed Network media(optical Fiber cable and Infiniband switch) and each computer is called Node and “High-Performance Computing” (HPC) is a collection of many isolated servers (Computers) and they can be viewed as a single system. It’s a computer with modern processing capacity especially the fastest speed of calculation and accessible memory. In HPC A large number of the dedicated processor are used to resolve intensive computational tasks.High-performance computing (HPC) uses supercomputers and computer clusters to solve advanced computation problems. Today, computer systems approaching the teraflops region are counted as HPC-computers. HPC integrates systems administration and parallel programming into a multidisciplinary field that combines digital electronics, computer architecture, system software, programming languages, algorithms, and computational techniques. HPC technologies are the tools and systems used to implement and create high-performance computing systems.HPC is also called computer cluster refers to a group of servers working together on one system to provide high performance and availability over that of a single computer while typically being more cost-effective than single computers of comparable speed or availability.HPC plays an important role in the field of computational science and HPC is a powerful technique are used for a wide range of computationally intensive tasks in various fields, including Bio-Science (biological macromolecules), Weather forecasting, chemical Engineering(computing the structures and properties of chemical Molecular design, Oil and gas exploration, Mechanical design(2D & 3D design verification) and physical simulations(such as simulations of the universal activity like early moments of the Universe, the detonation of nuclear weapons and nuclear fusion).